This Mobile, Alabama newborn photographer could not get enough of the Davis family! They are one of my all-time favorite families!
Parents Mark and Jennifer are such a beautiful couple, obviously so in love with one another and with being parents. Their two little boys are the absolute sweetest! Big brother John Reese is the playful, protective brother everyone would want to have. Already you can tell that the boys have a lifelong bond.
But baby Henry James really stole the show! He was the sweetest baby and I don’t think he made a single peep the entire time I was there. He was so content while he was awake at the end of our session. I just LOVED seeing his sweet eyes. John Reese was full of energy and did SO well! Like I said, they are built-in best friends, and I ate it up!
They are all super-smitten with the boys, especially their new baby, and Jennifer is thrilled to be a boy mom. Obviously the job suits her so well. Isn’t she radiant? I think she and Mark are such a lovely, stunning couple!
And would you take a look at that nursery? I loved so much about their classic/modern blend, but what really caught my eye was Henry James’s swaddle bow! I don’t see these very often, and I am obsessed with them. His is monogrammed, and you can find a swaddle bow very similar to his right here!
All in all, this was such a fun session. The boys were actual angels, and their parents were AMAZING. This family has so much love, and I felt it poured out on me while I was there. I cannot wait to see them again!
If you enjoyed this Mobile, Alabama newborn photographer session, check out more here!

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