The Mullen family makes my heart so happy to be to be a Mobile, Alabama photographer! They are some of my absolute favorite clients.
Not only was the day so bright and beautiful in Mobile’s Washington Square Park, but the Mullens made for such a fun outing with their little boy, John Parker.
Parker and Camden are the happy parents of one of my favorite little guys to photograph. Sometimes I feel like I’ve been a spectator to their lives for every milestone! I have shot their pregnancy announcement, maternity session, Fresh 48 in the hospital last February, John Parker’s six-month pictures, and then his first birthday!
I feel so blessed that they have trusted me to capture all these sweet moments as they master parenthood. They are such a sweet, loving family. I love spending time with them.
Before John Parker was born, the Mullens and I met in Washington Square Park for their maternity shoot. Coming back to this spot was the perfect way to round out this season of new and early parenthood as John Parker turns one year old.
Speaking of John Parker, he is so fun! He is curious and smart. He loves to point at the things that pique his interest. And, yes, his little peach fuzz hair is the cutest! It is so obvious that they adore him, and I can’t blame them!
This session was a little bittersweet for me because the Mullens may be facing a move here pretty soon. Parker is a doctor, and right now they are in interview season for his residency placement. While they could be moving away, I do know they will be loved and blessed wherever they go!
Being a photographer in Mobile Alabama, there is never a shortage of beautiful locations or picture-perfect families! If you want to see more sessions from Washington Square Park, check out this maternity session from February!

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