Brian and Hannah’s wedding day was a true celebration of a very loved couple! Their coastal wedding perfectly fit them as a couple and we couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day.
Justin and Kristin are both teachers at Baker High School and I like to imagine all the adorable meet cutes they could have possibly had. They are so connected with each other, their love is undeniable and I absolutely loved hanging out with them.
I hadn’t officially met Kevin until the day we shot their engagements and I could tell immediately how head over heels he was for Britney. Their chemistry was effortless and the way he looked at her said everything I’d ever need to know about them.
I first sat down with Matthew and Madison last Spring and immediately fell in love with them. As a couple they are so connected with each other and genuine with others, they are so easy to love!
This day was an extra level of special for me. I have known Ali’s family forever and adore them. Ali is also a photographer in the Montgomery area and she has worked as my second shooter…just to name a few reasons I loved shooting this wedding!